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Let's Get Started
SUPERCHARGE THOSE TAPS! Stay light on your toes and then pound the's time to test your tap skills and push them to new limits! Once you start, your feet won't stop moving in this workshop focused on improving your technique through new combos each day, adding harder tricks & more intricate rhythms along the way. You're sure to finish the week with fantastic feet.
Minutes / Class
Program Overview
Level 1 - CHILDRENS - (Suggested for 9-11 Year Olds)
Level 2 - JUNIOR (Suggested for 12-15 Year Olds)
Level 3 - ADULT (Suggested for 16+ Year Olds)
Suggested Dance Gear
Tap Shoes, Tap Floor
Female Dancers: Leotard, tights or dance clothes
Male Dancers: Gym shorts, t-shirt, tank top
Turbo Tap Start Here
Turbo Tap LEVEL
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